Create a Table

The getTable() and createTable() functions let you save either an existing table or a newly created table into a variable.


Use the getTable() method to fetch a table from the mariadb database:

package org.example;

import mindsdb.MindsDB;
import mindsdb.models.Database;
import mindsdb.models.MDBTable;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Server server = MindsDB.connect();
        Database mariadb = server.getDatabase("mariadb");
        MDBTable testTable = mariadb.getTable("test");

Or, use the createTable() method to create a new table:

 * Create a table from a query
 * @param name    - Name of the table
 * @param df      - Table to create the table from
 * @param replace - Replace the table if it already exists
 * @return Table
 public MDBTable createTable(String name, tech.tablesaw.api.Table df, boolean replace);

 * Create a table from a query
 * @param name    - Name of the table
 * @param query   - Query to create the table from
 * @param replace - Replace the table if it already exists
 * @return Table
 public MDBTable createTable(String name, Query query, boolean replace);

Example: Creating table using another table

Database mariadb = server.getDatabase("mariadb");
Database exampleDb = server.getDatabase("example_db");
MDBTable testTable = mariadb.createTable("another_table", exampleDb.query("SELECT * FROM home_rentals LIMIT 10;"), true); 

Only files database can support creating table using Tablesaw Table:

Database filesDB = server.getDatabase("files");
Table userTable = Table.create()
        .addColumns(StringColumn.create("Name", "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"))
        .addColumns(IntColumn.create("age", 25, 30, 35))
        .addColumns(DoubleColumn.create("height", 1.75, 1.80, 1.85));
MDBTable user = mariadb.createTable("user_table", userTable, true);
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